Chikki Groundnut
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Weight: 100 gm
Category: Snacks
Shandy’s organic groundnut chikki is 100% organic, natural, healthy and processed hygienically. It does not contain any preservatives and is unadulterated, making it a nutritious on-the-go snack. Groundnut chikki is also called as kadalai mittai in tamil. No filler or binding material is used. Only groundnuts and jaggery. Made fresh every week.
Did you know
Groundnut chikki helps in fighting against nervous disorders, treat skin problems, control blood pressure and boost energy.


Wheat Butter Cookies - 150 gm
Organic Wheat Butter Cookies
Out of stock
SKU: SHA1295
Category: Snacks
Wheat Butter Cookies - 150 gm
Organic Wheat Butter Cookies
Out of stock
SKU: SHA1295
Category: Snacks